Here’s a surprising statistic: In several surveys, upwards of 60% of people surveyed listed “bedrooms” as one of the reasons they decided to purchase a particular property. So don’t overlook these rooms when preparing your house for sale. You need to make sure they appear roomy and attractive to potential buyers. Bedrooms Need Beds, Not Boxes […]
15 Minutes Before A Viewing
Does Home Staging Really Work?
You may have heard about home staging and wondered what it’s all about. There are even a few television reality shows that feature staging experts doing their magic on a particular house or condo. So what exactly is it? Home staging is simply setting up your home to maximize its appeal to potential buyers. It […]
Trash the Trash
In most communities, garbage day isn’t every week. So, if you show your house on day five or six, there’s going to be some accumulation! Here are some things you can do before a viewing to make sure this situation doesn’t trash a potential sale. If possible, make sure all garbage containers, including waste paper […]
Fresh Air Sells
The MOST Important Room in Your Home
When preparing your home for sale, you want to make sure every room looks its best. But pay particularly close attention to the kitchen. Many buyers will spend a lot of time determining whether or not it meets their needs. In fact, some buyers will even form an impression about the entire property based primarily […]
Not-So-Obvious Home Staging Tips
When it comes to “staging” your home for sale – which basically means ensuring it looks clean and uncluttered – you probably already know the basics: clean the counters, vacuum the floors, mow the lawn, etc. But there are some home staging tips that are less obvious, yet can help to sell your property faster […]
Engaging the Other Senses
When preparing a home for sale, most homeowners focus on pleasing the eyes. In other words, they make their property “look” as attractive as possible. That is, of course, a very important thing to do! However, your home will be even more appealing to buyers if you also engage their other senses. Take smells, for […]
5 Hidden Costs of Selling
If you’re planning on moving, you’re probably focused on how much your new home is going to cost. However, it’s also a good idea to understand the real costs associated with selling your current property. In fact, there are some costs and expenses you may not have anticipated. Here are a few examples: Home inspection. […]
3 Sure-Fire Ways to Find a Good Contractor
If you’re considering buying a new home (or selling your old one), one of your most important tasks is to find the right professionals to help you. You’ll need a good realtor, of course – that’s why I’m here – and possibly other professionals such as a real estate lawyer, contractor, cleaner, carpet installer, plumber, electrician, […]